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New appointments..
The entire class committee had a big change.. chairperson wasn't zoe anymore.. discipline head wasn't raymond anymore..i remembered he got so stressed out that he voted to be the MOE rep.. yup..i remember..

Jon became the new classchairman..
Sectatary was Hsun Ting..
Treasurer was Shawn Koh..
and me?
The discipline head..

Shit.. it was a role I tot it was impossible for me to take. It's true.. Look at My character.. I don't even shout.. I don't even get angry.. I don't even know how to throw and temper.. hahaha.. that's me then.. till now I still have some characteristics of keeping quiet and keeping things to myself at times..

haha..but I guess I could cope pretty well that time.. with jon helping out.. we at least manage to squeese the people to their throats to do canteen duty and class duty.. haha.. about keeping class behaviour.. ermm..quite hard la.. hahha..

well..we'll see wat this committee can do man.. ^-*

Mrs Khoo?
Year 2001 Began.. hmmm.. to me it was just like any other year to me. Besides streaming.. i guess that year is the year when I had lots of fun.. haha. Too many things happen during secondary 2 days.. so much that I totally forgot.. I can only flip through old photo albums to look at them and try my very best to recall..

Mrs Khoo was our new classparent.. hmmm.. I think she was far better than our previous classparent. In fact...from first look.. she not only looks better than rama.. she just seem that she would be a better classparent. and we're quite right though. hahha..but nevertheless, the 2c1 in year 2001 wasn't any different from 1c1'00 we're still as naughty! hahaha..but don't worry.. the good thing was we're more close to each other by then..

The 1c1 Chalet..amazingly..we have one..
That was my thought at that time..We actually had a chalet..even though that year was real bad. Maybe We're just trying to bond together..and I see that we're trying real hard to accept each other. Besides..Drama Mama Rama's gone.. we should celebrate..

Great..how to start..It was my first chalet. Remembered we cramped ourselves in the room..haha..went cycling..butI didn't know to cycle..so i just stayed in the hotel. And I remembered Lye Ann Took out his maths homework and asked me some questions! hahaha..hmm..Shawn survived his chalet with 1 banana and coke.. lol..i wondered how he did that.

I guess the most memorialable time was when we made our way to pasir ris park to play basketball in the night. It was the first time I learnt to pick up the game of basketball. And I started to love it.. I remembered the first skill I was taught was to hook shot underneath the basket. Jie Lun taught me to do a hook shot. haha..I can remember how sucky I was..I couldn't even dribble..just hitting the ball. He was there and kept saying "yea..that's right..you're doing fine.. you're doing right..try again.."

i wouldn't have imagine that the ball game that night would change our fates together. The basketball had brought us together.. The game had bonded us closer.. we suddenly had this goal to become a great basketballer. Nobody taught us anything..we learnt from each other.. and we started out just like that..

The sound of that ball bouncing is still in my head.. I could remember how tattered and torn that darn ring was..

just that ball..the court..and us..

Year 2000..the bad times..was brought to an end..

The Students(2)..
After my stay in ctss for about a year..Here's a further brief description of more classmates of 1c1' 00..and don't feel offended by my comments ok? It's just my perception of all of you when im sec 1..the immature me..lol:

The Girls:

Man..she's very navie..that's all I can say. But I don't think I was that mature as well..but she really lived each day in a carefree manner. Her laughter was horrendous! Laughs at the slightest jokes.. hmmm..talks loudly. very bubbly.. and I really applaud her for her optimism. haha..I sat beside her during lessons..at the back of the classroom. Lol.. I still remember the time when she took out her long ruler..and it suddenly snapped right infront of us. And of coz..as you have thought..she was laughing..hahaha..

Bao Yue
Doh..dunno much..but I know she always hang out with ade, yan hua and zoe? really dun remember..im so sorry!

Yan Hua
Ahhh...She was 140+ cm when she's sec 1..still 140+ at sec 2.. and till now..maybe still 140+ now. hahaha.. Becoz I was still short at that time..nobody cared about her height. It's only when everyone started to grow like beanstalks, she still remained at the present altitude! Small in size..but huge in thinking capacity. She's considered very mature for a girl at the age of 13.. maybe that's why she and rama weren't at good terms. Emotional.. ya..dunno how many times she cried.. but maybe it's because that her thinking was far different from us..that's why I sometimes don't understand why she cried for certain events and for certain people..

Pow Qing Tian! *Tok Tok Chiang*! Justice Pow's the name after she came up to the position of the class chairperson. and it's just so nice her surname was pow that we named her justice pow. Her squeaky and high pitched voice, "SHUUUUTTT UPPPP!" was ear piercing. i remembered our classmate pei an fell in love with her..hahaha..well..more about Mr Pei An in awhile..

Ting Hwee
Oh..another mature girl..yes yes.. hmmm..but I didn't get to talk to her real well till sec2..

The rest..was super quiet..so hard to approach them..or maybe they find me so hard to aprroach to me..haha..

The Guys:

Jie Lun
Yes yes..Mr Seetoh..famous for for being playful in class haha.. very noisy ar! seldom hands in his work. Scolded by numerous teachers for being laid back. But he is super helpful..Super friendly.. i got to know him during the 1c1 chalet. I was real afraid to approach him at first..I don't know why..maybe just afraid of his looks..lol..

Yi Wei
My CCk buddy.. hmmm..we always go home together.. i remembered is sarcastic remarks.

Mighty mouse! He's of smaller built than me! haha..but he's real quick..and runs like a mouse. During PE when we had to run around the field.. Pei Kun's stride was like 2 strides per second..haha..but jackson could do 4 strides..lol. He was my home economics partner..Yea..great cooks! haha.. and he always talked to me like that.."sen min ar sen min..." hahha.. small slick eyes. Went to his house to experiement on our chicken sandwich we had to prepare for the upcoming exam.. cool..

Other Bleak Memories...
Honestly speaking..My memory's getting bad..I suddenly cannot remember alot of things that have happened.

I remembered one time Joanne got Jie Lun into trouble. He got a hell of a scolding by Miss Shelly Low..the teacher no student would want to trifle with. but actually she's a nice teacher when u get to know her. And because of that Joanne cried. I hope I could get some more information from Jie lun..haha.. I just can't recall.

Then One Time while waiting for the next lesson in class..Shawn suddenly Pushed York Song off his seat and he shouted "STOP IT LA!" Shocked, Shawn was so quiet in the class and he suddenly erupted! I forgot the reason why. But things ended as quickly as it started. Lol..York song just went.."relax la..." and everything went fine.. haha..

I dunno why..But what the hell..I can remember this event very very well. I couldn't believe I just stood there and watched Jun Yang and Jie Lun fighting in the canteen! Suddenly I saw them throwing Ice at each other.. exchange some blows.. hmm.. I remembered JL just use a huge piece of ice and just whacked Jun Yang in the Face! hahaha.. I really dunno why.. Maybe I was too small size to intervene the giants. The canteen vendors just stood and stare..

Teacher's day..
Another performance..yet again by 1c1..haha.. and that time we performed the song "A whole new world" From the Aladdin Sound track.. And I guess it was my first time performing on a stage in front of a crowd.

Remembered how we use to stay back after school to practice on the playground.. behind the school gates.

I can show you the world..
Shining shimering slpendid..

On Teacher's day..our plan about holding candles while singing screwed up alittle..some found the candles too hot to hold on the hands.. some of the candles even blew out before the curtains were drawn. Some ppl said that the candle flame was not obvious..

But we did manage to pull out the performance pretty well..

A Change in roles..
It was approaching to the 4th term of the year..and don't you wish the holidays would quickly start? by this time of the year..I felt quite tired mentally..I admit..I was a real loner..lol..most of the time Im in a world of my own. Only hanging out with peeps like Clement and chao yang and yi wei..kinda think of it...I found out that my friendship circle during tt year was real small...Man..how can u be so self-centered Sen Min?

maybe Im being stubborn...

hahaha..with adrian gone..Rama chose Zoe to be the new chairperson..Boy was it a mistake! haha..and I was chosen to help out Ray to be the Assistant Discipline head. Well..I guess only then..I started to get to know about the rest around me..

haha..zoe had a soft voice..and a very high pitched and girly voice..so can u imagine her shouting to the class to keep quiet when we get too noisy? Nobody could hear her! haha..And poor her she had to scream at her top of her voice..wahaha.. "CLASSSS KEEEEPPP QUIET!!!!!"

As for me..I was pretty much slacking..haha..although i helped out in the class movement thingy..haha..and I had problems getting the ppl to do class duties? Ray also had problems..lol..sometimes he even had to clean the canteen tables himself! haix..well..Im here to share his burden I guess? lol..

The Story

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